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New, Cool Free Backlink Checker Tool!

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Just thought I might share a new tool I found today as I was wandering around the Web. This backlink tool does a great job of pulling data correctly with the exception of PageRank (PR), which I hope will be updated soon. It is not clear where they are pulling the data, but it appears to be pulling the better quality backlinks to a website (possibly Google data?). Also, not even though it may appear as if it is done pulling data, let it keep running as it probably is not (I thought it was done and then suddenly about 2-4 minutes later new backlinks started to pop-up again, so give it time - Just an FYI).

Check it out for free at - Blue Backlinks (beta)

Iyaz said...
August 25, 2010 at 3:37 PM  

Thanks for this tool. Love to see the backlinks roll in

babylex said...
September 17, 2010 at 5:55 AM  

thx for promoting official web submission services


as a reward, you site has been added in partner section..

for more details.


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