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Ever Wondered Who Your IP Neighbors Are?

I just stumbled on Sites on My IP and would it to be very useful in figuring who and how many sites are on my shared server from my hosting provider (which there were 515 for one of my domains, seems a bit excessive).

Check out how is hosted nest to you - Sites on My IP

Keyword Mutation Detection - A Great Tool From Microsoft adCenter Labs

Have you ever wondered how many ways people actually misspell your company, product, service or website name when they are using search engines? Well, Microsoft has a great tool that does not guess at common misspellings, it actually pulls them from their database of search queries. While not necessarily brand new, this is an absolutely incredible free resource from Microsoft.

Check it out here today - Keyword Mutation Detection

Google University - Free Education at the Conversion University

Sometimes you get more than what you pay for, sometimes you don't. In the case of the Google Analytics Conversion University you actually get a lot of good education for no cost. This is one of the few times in life when free is really good.

Check it out and get your certificate today at - Google Conversion University

(and no my name is not Dmitry Dulepov, it was the only image I could find as I had not finished the courses myself)

Ask Jeeves is Back!

Unbelieveable, Ask Jeeves is back. Well kind of.....The UK version of Ask now has Jeeves back looking better than ever with a full explanation of where he has been for the last couple of years. The nest question is whether or not he will come back to the US. Who knows, stranger things have happened.

Check it all out here - Ask Jeeves UK

Analyze How to Rank Well for Any Keyword for FREE!

I just downloaded (it was almost 20MB) a new FREE backlink analyzer that is absolutely incredible, especially for the price. This software is like a lite version of one of my favorite packages (but with a very graphical interface) SEO SpyGlass.

Basically this software package will:
- Analyze up to ten competitors
- Analyze data from Google, Yahoo or MSN
- Provide country specific data from 14 countries (server location and IP)
- Number of backlinks
- Age of backlinks
- Anchor text of backlinks

And much more....

Check it out for FREE today at - SEO Decompiler

SEO Quiz - The Challenge

This has been around for awhile, but SEOmoz has a great SEO quiz on their site. While it may not be 100% accurate, it is a great starting point and a lot of fun.

Check it out here - SEOmoz SEO Quiz

Here are the category rankings from the site:
* 91% - 100% - SEO Deity
* 81% - 90% - SEO Master
* 71% - 80% - SEO Professional
* 61% - 70% - SEO Newbie
* 0% - 60% - SEO Novice

Once you complete it I would love to hear what your score is. Please post it here as a comment.

ABCSearch Becomes Advertise.com and No One Really Cares

A name change alone cannot fix the problems this network has. I was hoping to hear better news, like they added in some additional quality engines or a partnership with a higher profile engine or company, but no, just a simple name change. The only search engine in their mix that they own that is worth a damn is Scour and it does not get that much publicity.

I wish ABC/Advertise or whatever the best of luck, as a big yawn falls over the industry on this incredible and exciting news.

SEO Training Video - 1960's Style Funny Search Engine Optimization

Great link bait video for SEO (actually for an SEO company). This is a great example of doing it correctly. Watch and learn.

Pardon Our Dust - Alexa Rebuilds Itself Into a Useful Resource

Since March 31, 2009 Alexa has been undergoing some massive changes (you may have noticed from your Alexa rankings). These changes, in additiona to a great new look and feel include:

* Demographics - provides a demographic breakdown for virtually any site, including gender, age, education and more
* Clickstream - shows the sites visitors were on before and after any site
* Search Traffic - shows how much traffic a site gets from search engines
* Search Terms - allows you to see the search terms that have been driving traffic to a site over the last month
* More Data About Websites - adds three new types of traffic history graph: Pageviews per User, Bounce Rate, and Time on Site

This really raises the bar as a data source for Alexa. Now Compete and Quantcast will get a run for their money.

Check it all here - Updated Alexa Website

Do No Evil? - ShoeMoney Vs Keyen Farrell and Other Google Lapses of Morality

Google, Google, Google - that is all I hear nowdays from my clients. Google this, Google that. I feel that the Google Propoganda Campaign (as I have coined it) is fueled by their constant promotional onslaught of all their FREE (free as in dollars, but not free as the data they are collecting which is much more valuable then anything they are giving away) to all my clients.


Let me lay out some examples:

1. ShoeMoney Vs Keyen Farrell
- Admit your employee lied and cheated Shoemoney out of a lot of revenue. Quit denying as it only breeds hostility and suspicion of even a larger cover up.

Resources for your review:

- TechCrunch - ShoeMoney Sues Google Employee For AdWords Violations

- Search Engine Land - Google Employee Alleged To Have Bypassed AdWords Trademark Policy For Own Benefit

- John Chow - ShoeMoney Sues Google Employee For AdWords Violations

2. Google Asks (Demands) That Website Owners Update Their Privacy Policy
- Just because we run Google AdSense ads on our sites, does not mean you own us!

Resources for your review:

- Circle ID - Google AdSense Asks Publishers to Change Their Websites' Privacy Policy

3. Google Censors Chinese Version of Search Engine at Government Demand
- You are one of the largest online companies dominating a large part of the Web, stand up and act like it and do not allow governments to push you into further oppressing people!

Search Engine Watch - Google Now Censoring In China

The Boston Globe - Google China Censorship Fuels Calls for US Boycott

Boing Boing - Google Founder Regrets Censoring China (I guess better late then never)

3. Google Kills a Deer
- Watch your driving.

Switch - Did Google Street View Kill This Deer?

These are just four examples, the list goes on and on. The point is this, in my world I see Google closing in everywhere. How about this as proof positive:

Google has tried (and sometimes succeeded) to:
- Convince some of my clients to use their analytics program
- Convince some of my clients to switch ad tracking systems (from Atlas, owned by Microsoft to DART which is owned by Google)
- Convince some of my clients to advertise and upload content to YouTube
- Convince some of my clients to increase their spends within their search engine
- Convince some of my clients to use their campaign optimizer tool (free bid manager)
- Convince some of my clients to use their online office products
- Convince some of my clients to use a professional version of Gmail for their companies
- Convince some of my clients to use AdSense ads on their sites (as this site does)

So, basically we could have Google monitoring about 90 percent of all online activity happening with some of my clients. A little scary would you not say? You have been warned, the best things in life are NOT always FREE (even if Google gives them to you free).

Learn more at - Google Watch

Majestic-SEO : Compare Domain Backlink History for FREE

As the site says,

"This tool generates unique charts that are rarely seen outside of R&D labs of the best search engines out there: it shows backlink discovery by month. We hope you will enjoy playing with this tool as much as we enjoyed making it! It currently ignores subdomains, but in the future we might produce this data for subdomains too!"

Example from SEO Book Website

You may ask what is this and why should I care? Well for those experienced in the ways of SEO this is a very interesting and unique tool. One thing search engines do is track the velocity of backlinks to any given site. The idea is that if this accelerates very quickly there may be some unnatural manipulation (i.e. paid links) happening and it may need to be checked out. Many times a news article, press releases, blog post, software releases, outside factors like lawsuits, provocative images, etc. etc. can create a very rapid backlinking situation, but in those instances that this is not the case the engines may take action and what may result is a devaluing of all backlinks or possibly even an outright site ban.

If this tools delivers what it is promising, this will give you incredible insight into what the engines are possibly seeing and allow you to throttle your link building efforts to appear as natural as possible.

Check it out here - Majestic Backlink Monitor

FREE Fun and Cool Twitter Tools

Twist - See trends in Twitter.
Twitter Search - See what's happening — right now.
TwitterVision - A real-time geographic visualization of posts to Twitter.
Twitterholic - Top Twitter user rankings & stats.
TweetWheel - Find out which of your Twitter friends know each other!
TwittEarth - Live Twitts all over the world in 3D!
TweetStats - Graphin' your stats.
TweetVolume - See how often words or phrases appear on Twitter.

Have fun!

Very Funny, But Very Real - Secret Google AdWords Video Found (on Google Site - YouTube)


Make a Free Sitemap Online

Stumbled on this great free online sitemap maker while looking for new online SEO tools. It is pretty fast and thorough and seems to have good uptime (for now).

Check it out here - Free Online Sitemap

Longtail Keyword Searches Continue to Grow in 2009

Recently at SMX West, there was a session called, 'SearchScape' and a representative from Hitwise (other representatives were there including some from comScore and Nielsen Online) discussed some recent data on longtail keyword searching trends. Here is what Bill Tancer (Hitwise) had shared with the group:

Words/Query - 2009, 2008, 2007
1 word - 20.4%, 21.1%, 24.5%
2 words - 23.6%, 24.9%, 25.7%
3 words - 21.8%, 21.9%, 20.7%
4 words - 14.9%, 14.5%, 13.3%
5 words - 8.7%, 8.2%, 7.5%

Basically, from Bill's recent data you can see the real value in longtail keywords as the number of keywords people are typing typing in the search engines is increasing from 2007 - 2009.