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Scour Adds Real-Time Search Results

Scour, a meta search engine owned by ABCSearch.com (now called Advertise.com - neither of which I am a huge fan of) recently added in real-time search results within their search results. What is interesting by their approach is that these real-time results are mixed within the standard results. Why does this matter? Well, it is really where search should have been going all along and it took a second tier meta search engine to make it happen. What we have now are a lot of traditional search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask and a lot of real- time search engines like Collecta, Scoopler, Twazzup, OneRiot, Topsy and countless others being added almost on a daily basis, but no one has really effectively brought the two together. While I like Scour as a meta search engine (as I like DogPile also) I really like everything else they are doing and trying to become a serious player in the search world. They are offering an incentive program to use their search engine (pre-paid Visa cards), they promote and offer feedback and reviews on sites within results from other users and now they have real-time results mixed in with the standard results.

I think it is a great move and wish them luck. Remember you do not need to be a big player in the search space to make money. As we all saw in the AltSearchEngines study and previous post (Why Do Small Search Engines Exist?), that even 1% of the global search engine market share can produce 3 billion in revenue and tremendous profits.

Here is a link for more information - Scour Now Offers Real-Time Results
You can check out the search engine here - Scour Search Engine


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